
problem of using pagination

Primary LanguageHTML

how to implement custom tags:

Create a New App (if you haven't already):

If you're creating custom template tags for a specific app, make sure you have an app in your Django project. If not, you can create one using the following command:

 Copy code
 python manage.py startapp customtags
Create a templatetags Directory:
Inside your app directory, create a subdirectory named templatetags. This is where your custom template tags and filters will reside.

Create a Python File for Your Custom Tags:

Inside the templatetags directory, create a Python file (e.g., custom_tags.py) to define your custom template tags.

Define Your Custom Tag:
In the custom_tags.py file, you can define your custom template tags as Python functions. Use the @register.simple_tag or @register.inclusion_tag decorator to register your tag. Here's an example of a simple custom tag:


Copy code
from django import template

register = template.Library()

def my_custom_tag():
    return "Hello from my custom tag!"
Load and Use Your Custom Tag in Templates:
In your template files (HTML files), you need to load your custom template tags using the {% load %} tag at the top. Then, you can use your custom tag in the template like this:


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{% load custom_tags %}

<p>{% my_custom_tag %}</p>
Testing Your Custom Tag:
Run your Django development server and access a page that uses the template containing your custom tag.
  You should see the output of your custom tag displayed in the rendered template.