The flask application stored the session value in Memcached using python pickle. It is possible to send a malicious payload to the Memcached daemon using the pickle serialization.
There is a requiremnt for a python pymemcache modules.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Replace the local and target address and the port number running the memcached service (Default: 11211).
Run the python exploit:
[*]Payload Sent!
[*]NOW RUN 'memcdump --servers=' And look for new pwned session.
[*]Then just log into the web server with pwned session and get the shell back.
Confirm if the malicious payload is sent:
$memcdump --servers=
If you see the pwned session the maliciuos payload is sent. To trigger the reverse shell, you need to start a listern and then login in the Flask App and replace the cookie session with you_have_been_pwned
and this will trigger the payload and hopefully you will get the shell back.