
Bare-metal is awesome. Let's share our favourite tools.

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Bare-metal is awesome. Let's share our favourite tools.


  • Ordered alphabetically (eventually consistent)
  • Recent development or release (within the last 6 months) - or deemed relevant by curator
  • No defunct or abandoned projects
  • Must show signs of traction or corporate use, no "my scripts for my homelab that only I use" submissions.
  • No advertisements
  • Format: link to GitHub or website - "quote from GitHub repo or website"

Curator: Alex Ellis - CNCF Ambassador, OpenFaaS & Inlets Founder.


  • cobber - "Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments"
  • Digital Rebar - "Digital Rebar is the data center automation, provisioning and infrastructure as code (IaC) platform designed with a cloud native architecture replacing Cobbler, Foreman, MaaS or similar technologies"
  • foreman - "From provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring, Foreman integrates with your existing infrastructure to make operations easier"
  • ironic "A service for managing and provisioning Bare Metal servers" - from OpenStack Foundation
  • LinuxKit - "A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers" - PXE support, focus on immutable infrastructure.
  • Lokomotiv - "Lokomotive is a 100% open-source Kubernetes distribution from the folks at Kinvolk"
  • MaaS - "Metal as a Service" by Canonnical
  • Matchbox - "Matchbox is a service that matches bare-metal machines to profiles that PXE boot and provision clusters"
  • Metal Stack - "we believe kubernetes runs best on bare metal. we build an api to manage bare metal hardware and kubernetes on top of that." - uses Ironic
  • Metal³ - "Bare Metal Host Provisioning for Kubernetes" - with ClusterAPI support
  • mr-provisioner - "Bare metal provisioning tool"
  • netboot.xyz - "a way to PXE boot various operating system installers or utilities from one place within the BIOS without the need of having to go retrieve the media to run the tool."
  • pixiecore "Pixiecore is an tool to manage network booting of machines" by Dave Anderson
  • plundr - "Plunder is a single-binary server that is all designed in order to make the provisioning of servers, platforms and applications easier." - with ClusterAPI support
  • RackHD - "a technology stack for enabling automated hardware management and orchestration through cohesive APIs. It serves as an abstraction layer between other management layers and the underlying, vendor-specific physical hardware."
  • Talos Systems - "A New Tool for Kubernetes Bare Metal" - with ClusterAPI support
  • Tinkerbell - "Tinkerbell is a bare metal provisioning engine. It’s built and maintained with love by the team at Packet."

Networking for bare-metal cloud

  • HAProxy - "The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer" - often used in place of hardware LB.
  • inlets PRO - "inlets-pro is a Cloud Native Tunnel for L4 TCP traffic with built-in link encryption"
  • inlets-operator - "Public IPs for your private Kubernetes Services using inlets or inlets PRO"
  • inlets - "Cloud Native Tunnel written in Go." - HTTP tunnel
  • kube-vip - "Kubernetes Control Plane Virtual IP and Load-Balancer"
  • MetalLB - "MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for bare metal Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols."
  • Squid - "a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It reduces bandwidth and improves response times by caching and reusing frequently-requested web pages." - used with bare-metal to cache packages and ISO images.

Bare-metal cloud


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