
Digital System Design Hybrid SAP Project


4bit PC is Digital System Design LAB Project of BUET CSE Level-4 term-1.

This the proteus simulation of 4bit PC which used 8bit BUS and executes 28 instructions. Full Details of this project is described in 4bit_PC_Final_Report.pdf. The operation codes of 28 instructions and theirs hex values are in 4bit_PC_OpCODE.xlsx file and the signal bits for instructions (4 ROM output of control unit) are in 4bit_PC_final_ROM_Hex.xlsx file.

Configuring ROM(opcode input,ASCHEX) stored in RAM of design file is mandotory to run the 4bit_PC simulation in Proteus. The main design file of 4bit_PC is in 4bitPC_083_Final/4bit_PC_83.DSN (proteus design file). Component of RAM,ALU in this design file are implemented in child sheet. In 4bitPC_083_Final/rom or rom_TEST folder OPCODE.bin and test.bin are input binary file and ROM1-ROM4.bin are for Control Unit.

4bit_PC Block Diagram

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4bit_PC Circuit Diagram

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How to execute 4bit_PC

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