NexGen Cloud, London, UK
Sr. DevOps Engineer
(Nov 2023 - Present)
- Lead DevOps implementation and consulting for NexGen Cloud, specializing in large-scale HPC and GPU infrastructure.
- Spearheaded production migration to DigitalOcean, developing Ansible playbooks for automated infrastructure setup and application deployment.
- Established CI/CD code culture by enforcing automated pipelines, replacing manual deployments.
- Deployed HashiCorp Vault in HA mode, ensuring secure sensitive data management.
- Integrated Prometheus and Grafana for enhanced system performance visibility.
- Developed a Kubernetes operator using Go and Operator SDK for proprietary HTTP server deployment.
- Automated customer data and charges report exports for the finance team, enhancing data-driven decisions.
- Created an "Orphan Parser Playbook" with Ansible to detect and remove orphaned VMs.
- Developed and maintained comprehensive system documentation.
FirstBlood Technologies Inc, Boston, Massachusetts
DevOps Engineer
(Aug 2022 - Sep 2023)
- Managed infrastructure and deployment for a blockchain-based eSports platform with 150,000+ users.
- Led the migration from AWS to GCE, setting up Terraform and Ansible DevOps infrastructure.
- Developed reusable Helm templates and introduced ArgoCD for application deployment via Helm charts.
- Implemented CI/CD for Unreal Engine app deployments, streamlining release cycles.
- Integrated Nessus into CI/CD pipelines to identify and resolve security vulnerabilities.
- Automated routine Linux administration tasks through scripting, reducing manual workload.
- Deployed and managed the EFK stack for centralized log aggregation, improving troubleshooting efficiency.
- Recognized as the ‘Man of Automation’ for cost optimization initiatives.
TechServe4U LLC, Warren, Michigan
Lead Instructor
(Nov 2021 - Mar 2023)
- Taught courses on microservices, AWS technologies, system architecture, and Kubernetes microservices.
Dynamic Solution Innovators Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Site Reliability Engineer
(Jan 2022 - Dec 2022)
- Led the Raptor and Forecast project teams at Movandi Corporation, USA.
- Implemented microservices from monolithic architecture, developing over 40 Dockerfiles.
- Automated server deployment using Ansible playbooks, reducing manual effort.
- Developed a disaster recovery plan and a custom Fluentbit plugin in Go for sending logs to Matomo analytics.
Newgen Technology Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh
Software Engineer
(Oct 2019 - Nov 2021)
- Led a team of six in developing an Event Management application.
- Created Helm Charts for Kubernetes manifests and Ansible playbooks for various projects.
- Developed flexible Grafana dashboards and integrated Ingress with Nginx.
- Improved Learning Management System (LMS) sales by implementing the Cancel, Re-Order, and Coupon refund features.
- Developed a promo code generator for ERP's merchandising module.
- Integrated Kroki for diagram support in GitLab.
- B.Sc. in EEE | Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh (May 2019)
- H.S.C. in Science | Notre Dame College Dhaka (May 2014)
- S.S.C in Science | Rangpur Zilla School (December 2012)
- Cloud Platforms: AWS, GCP, Azure, OpenStack, DigitalOcean
- DevOps Tools: Docker, Kubernetes (EKS, GKE, AKS), Helm, Terraform, Terragrunt, OpenShift, Istio, Velero, Nexus, Skaffold, Jenkins, GitLab/GitHub CI/CD, Ansible, Vagrant, SonarQube, Jaeger, Zipkin
- Languages: Python, Golang, JavaScript, Bash, Shell Scripting, Java, TypeScript
- Frameworks: ExpressJs, ReactJs, Spring Boot, Flask, FastAPI
- Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Monitoring and Logging: EFK, Prometheus, Grafana
- Quality Assurance and Error Tracking: Sentry, SonarQube
- Messaging and Queue: RabbitMQ, Redis, Memcached
Pocket ECG
Heart disease (Arrhythmia) prediction and real-time ECG monitoring system based on deep learning.
- Speaker: Seminar on “Hands on Arduino” - CPCU Seminar, Fall 2019
- Keynote Speaker: C-programming language in depth - CPCU Seminar, Spring 2018
- Keynote Speaker: Workshop on “Making line follower robots” - Feni University, Fall 2018