Smart contract deployed on remix ide
use of ganache and metamask for transaction
use of ethers.js to use smart contract on react app
use of create-react-app to deploy smart contract
Clone this repository
Copy the contract from folder src/contract/netflix.sol
paste it on remix ide
create a account on metamask and add extension to your browser
use localhost in metamask extension
download ganache and install and open a quick workspace
copy a account private adress and open a account on metamask using that address
using this account deploy contract on remix
now make another metamask account using same step as above
now open cmd in the repository folder
This will install all the necessary packages
Then run
now this will start the web server
copy the contract address from remix ide and paste in the code chaning variable contract_addr so smart contract can be connected
now make the transaction using second metamask account and transaction will be processed