The script extracts frame level features from kinetics-i3d model (

1. OpenCV 2.4.13 compiled with GPU support
2. boost_python 1.65.0
3. Trained kinetics-i3d model (
4. TensorFlow 
5. Sonnet 

Steps to Run:
1. Build (CMakeList.txt is provided, please adjust paths, 'For ubuntu 16.04 run cmake -DCUDA_USE_STATIC_CUDA_RUNTIME=OFF')
2. run python ./ (it expects (kinetics-i3d model code) in the same directory)
	2.1 expects list of video file names, 
	2.2 temporal_window for each frame default is 21
	2.3 batch_size default is 1
	2.4 dest_path (path to destination features)
	2.5 clip_optical_flow_at default value is 20
	2.6 base_path_to_chk_pts base path to model (kinetics-i3d) parameters 

A helper script is also provided, please adjust it to your needs