In this Project we will build a Blog with Latest & Advance Techniques, Like setting environment variables, using pytest and other features
In this Project we have following functionalities:
- Settings for Production and Development
- Loading Secret Data from the Environment variables
- Writing Tests for the Django Application with pytest. And use factory-boy to generate fake data for testing purposes
- Saving Tests into HTML format with pytest-cov
- Class based views
- build URLs at the Application level
- build TEMPLATES folder at the Application level, and then mention it in the settings file, with this code
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
- build STATIC folder at the Applicaiton level, and then mention it in the settings file, with this code
- Add Google Fonts
- Use Factory-boy and Faker to generate Fake Data for Blog Posts. By going into Shell.
from blog.factory import PostFactory
thenx = PostFactory.create_batch(100)
to generate 100 posts. Thenexit()
- htmx is a library that allows you to access modern browser features directly from HTML, rather than using javascript.Django_HTMX
- We use django-taggit to use it to implement Tags with BlogsDjango-Taggit
- We will use Django Custom Template feature to send multiple context data to the HTML page. We will save it into the of the project
- Use SLUG field from
to generate single post view