
GoXDP is a simple and powerful XDP filter with CLI client and Restful API

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GoXDP is a simple and powerful XDP filter with kernel-space code built with C and user-space code built with Golang that utilizes the power of the longest prefix matching (LPM) algorithm to filter subnets and IP addresses with predefined timeouts. Also, interacting with GoXDP can be through the RestfulAPI or the CLI client commands. golang-logo

Quick Start

Quick Start for GoXDP on Docker

docker run -d --network host --name goxdp --privileged --restart always ahsifer/goxdp:2.1 server -privateIP=

Quick Start for GoXDP binary

  • Download the latest binary from the repository.
  • Run goxdp server -privateIP= to start goxdp service.

GoXDP service

The following include the available command line arguments and their description when starting a new GoXDP service:

goxdp server -h
Usage of server:
  -privateIP string
    	The private IP address the service will listen to, that will be used to respond to load,unload,block,allow, and status requests (default "")
  -privatePort string
    	The private Port number the service will listen to (default "8090")
  -publicIP string
    	The public IP address the service will listen to, that will be used to respond to metrics and status requests (default "")
  -publicPort string
    	The public Port number the service will listen to (default "8091")
  -timeoutinterval int
    	How long the timeout checker thread will wait before checking if there is any IP address or subnet with finished timeout to remove them from the blocked list.

GoXDP Client

Two different approaches can be followed to interact with XDP:
1- Using GoXDP CLI client
2- Using RestFul API

GoXDP CLI Client

The first approach introduces the GoXDP client CLI commands to perform load, unload, block, unblock, and status operations. The available arguments are:

./goxdp client -h
Usage of client:
  -action string
    	Available values are load,unload,block, allow, status
  -dstIP string
    	The IP address that the goxdp service is listening to (default "")
  -dstPort string
    	The Port that the goxdp service is listening to (default "8090")
  -interfaces string
    	Interfaces names that the XDP programme will be loaded or unloaded (Example 'eth0,eth1')
  -mode string
    	The mode that XDP programme will be loaded (available values are nv,skb, and hw)
  -src string
    	src IP address or subnet that will be blocked or allowed
  -timeout uint
    	How long the IP address or the subnet will be blocked in seconds

CLI Operations:

1- Load XDP filter to interface

Load the XDP filter to a single interface

goxdp client --action=load --interfaces=eth0 --mode=skb --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

Load XDP filter to multiple interfaces

goxdp client --action=load --interfaces=eth0,eth1 --mode=skb --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

2- Unload the filter from the interface

Unload the XDP filter from a single interface

goxdp client --action=unload --interfaces=eth0 --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

Unload the XDP filter from multiple interfaces

goxdp client --action=unload --interfaces=eth0,eth1 --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

Unload the XDP filter from all the interfaces

goxdp client --action=unload --interfaces=all --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

3- block an IP address or subnet

block for 100 seconds

goxdp client --action=block --src= --timeout=100 --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

block forever

goxdp client --action=block --src= --timeout=0 --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

Note: You can block a single IP address by passing or

Note: Blocking the same IP address or subnet more than once just changes the timeout value.

4- unblock an IP address or subnet

goxdp client --action=allow --src= --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

5- unblock all the IP addresses and subnets

goxdp client --action=block --flush --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

6- Show status

goxdp client --action=status --dstIP= --dstPort=8090


goxdp client --action=status --dstIP= --dstPort=8091

6- empty status table

goxdp client --action=status --flush --dstIP= --dstPort=8090

RestFull API Client

The second approach to interact with GoXDP is using the GET and POST request to the restful endpoints:

1- POST: Load XDP filter to interface

curl -X POST -d '{"interfaces":"eth0","mode":"skb"}'

2- POST: Unload XDP filter

curl -X POST -d '{"interfaces":"eth0"}'

3- POST: Block an IP address or subnet

curl -X POST -d '{"src":"","action":"block","timeout":500}'

4- POST: Unblock an IP address or subnet

curl -X POST -d '{"src":"","action":"allow","timeout":500}'

5- POST: Unblock all the IP addresses and subnets

curl -X POST

6- GET: show status

curl -X GET | jq .


curl -X GET | jq .

7- POST: empty status table

curl -X GET


The following endpoint is used to fetch metrics about the GoXDP service

curl -X GET