Python 3 implementation of the affiliation metrics and tests for reproducing the experiments described in Local Evaluation of Time Series Anomaly Detection Algorithms, accepted in KDD 2022 Research Track: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
- ahstatEurope
- cfeng783Siemens
- chiouey@usealloy
- corner-crazy
- digshock
- ForestsKingBUPT
- gxhrid
- hongbinyeZhejiang Lab
- JC0624
- jin210625University of Science and Technology of China
- JinhuaSu
- josemanuelnavarroParis / Madrid / Alicante
- LFM-bot
- retailer-of-IT
- SebastianSchmidlHasso Plattner Institut, University of Potsdam
- selchwang
- tangqideng
- wzhSteve