The GeoCam Project helps people better understand and respond to disasters. GeoCam consists of a GPS-enabled camera (or cell phone) and a web app for sharing geotagged photos and other geospatial data.
GeoCam Share is the web app component of GeoCam.
Visit for updates.
Our primary development platform for GeoCam Share is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 "Lucid Lemur", with Apache 2.2 running Python 2.6 and Django 1.2 under modwsgi.
We have also successfully installed parts of GeoCam Share on RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.5 and Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard". However, if you use these platforms you may need to improvise more during installation.
Sorry, these installation instructions are a work in progress.
How to install dependencies on Ubuntu (some of these packages are recommended but not required):
sudo apt-get install python-docutils python-imaging python-rdflib python-pip git-core apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi libimage-exiftool-perl imagemagick python-pyproj sudo pip install iso8601 pytz django django-tagging python_digest # install django_digest from source (pypi version not compatible with django 1.2) -- # if using sqlite (good for simple testing) sudo apt-get install python-pysqlite2 # if using mysql (used for production) sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-mysqldb # not required but recommended for debugging sudo apt-get install ipython
How to fetch the GeoCam Share source:
git clone share2
How to install:
cd share2 python install
Note that this is not a standard Python install script -- the action it takes is more like 'build' than 'install'. It does not modify anything outside the current directory.
Further steps, not yet documented:
- Modify to connect to your database
- Add server to your Apache config