
WIP Project!

This Python project scrapes apartment rent listings from Apartments.com and stores the data in a PostgreSQL database. It also provides a GraphQL API that allows you to query the apartment data using the GraphiQL interface.


To install the necessary dependencies, first set up your virtual env:

virtualenv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate

Once in your virtual env, install your dependencies:

pip install beautifulsoup4 psycopg2 sqlalchemy flask flask-graphql graphene graphene_sqlalchemy apache-airflow

TO-DO: Move to requirements.txt

Database Setup

Make sure Postgres is running locally

Create new Postgres DB locally - type in the following into your cli

psql -U {username}
createdb apartment


To configure the PostgreSQL database connection URL, edit the DATABASE_URL variable in the apartment_scraper.py and app.py files to match your PostgreSQL database credentials.


To run the scraper to populate the db, run the following command:

python apartment_scraper.py

To start the GraphQL server, run the following command:

python app.py

This will run the scraper and store the data in the PostgreSQL database. It will also start the GraphQL server and serve the API on the http://localhost:5000/graphql endpoint.

To query the apartment data, you can use the GraphiQL interface by visiting the http://localhost:5000/graphql endpoint in your web browser. Here's an example query that retrieves all the apartments:


This will return a JSON response with the url and price of all the apartments in the database.