A collection of papers related to over-squashing, over-smoothing, etc.
Model | Year | Paper Title | Conference | Author(s) | Notes | Code |
-- | 2020 | On the Bottleneck of Graph Neural Networks and its Practical Implications | ICLR'21 | Alon et al. | Over-squashing concept | -- |
DIGL/SDRF | 2021 | Understanding over-squashing and bottlenecks on graphs via curvature | ICLR'22 | Topping et al. | Several types of curvature | https://github.com/jctops/understanding-oversquashing |
BORF | 2023 | Revisiting Over-smoothing and Over-squashing using Ollivier's Ricci Curvature | ICML'23 (under review) | Nguyen et al. | Rewiring through curvature | -- |
ORG-sub | 2022 | Subsampling in Large Graphs Using Ricci Curvature | ICLR'23 | Wu et al. | -- | https://openreview.net/forum?id=w9WUQkBvpI |
-- | 2023 | On Over-Squashing in Message Passing Neural Networks: The Impact of Width, Depth, and Topology | ICML'23 (under review) | Giovanni et al. | Theoretical analysis about over-squashing | -- |