
use a pressure sensor to do spirometery

MS4525DO Pressure Sensor

sensor type:


writings on sensor:

4525D 5AI 001D 1923 0118 12800

link to sensor:


link to pixhawk module:

https://hobbyking.com/en_us/pixhawk-digital-airspeed-sensor-w-pitot-tube.html https://docs.px4.io/master/en/sensor/airspeed.html

link to code:


some info:

  • Output Interface  I²C or SPI
  • Overpressure  300 psi
  • Pressure (psi) 1, 2, 5, 15, 30, 50, 100, 150
  • Output/Span  14 bit ADC
  • Board Level Pressure Sensor Accuracy  ±0.25% Span
  • Interface Type  I2C (Addr.0x28H), I2C (Addr.0x36H), I2C (Addr.0x46H), I2C (Addr.0x48H), I2C (Addr.0x49H), I2C (Addr.0x4AH), I2C (Addr.0x4BH), I2C (Addr.0x4CH), I2C (Addr.0x4DH), I2C (Addr.0x4EH), I2C (Addr.0x4FH), I2C (Addr.0x50H), I2C (Addr.0x51H), SPI
  • high performance digital output pressure (14bit) and temperature (11bit) transducer


  • use arduino i2c lib and wrappers
  • test new code
  • add venturi tube measurments
  • use datasheet formulas to get psi as correctly as possible
  • figure out a way to calibrate it
  • design a frame for system in CAD
  • explore other methods such as using a fan