
An example setup of how to do a monorepo, used in our monorepo 'getting started' guide

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Monorepo Starter

An example setup of how to do a monorepo, used in our Monorepo Getting Started Guide

Usable as a template from github

Using this Starter

  1. Clone this repository, or click the use this template button on Github.
  2. Delete packages you do not need, and add your own packages in the folder that makes most sense.
  3. Run yarn

You are now ready to start developing within the monorepo!

If you are interested in how to further configure your project, or want more information on why it is set up like this, check out our Monorepo Style Guide

What is included in this starter

Packages set up

We have set up three different folders to put packages, based on their needs, each of which can include new packages. Here is the base structure:

- packages/
    - simple-package
    - with-multi-entrypoints
    - private-package
- apps/
    - placeholder-app
- websites/
    - placeholder-website

To determine where to place a new package:

  • If it is designed to be consumed by other packages, and not run on its own, put it in the /packages folder. These may be published to npm, but can also include private packages.
  • If it is a node app to be deployed, put it in the /apps folder
  • If it a website to be deployed, put it in the /websites folder

We recommend deleting any of these folders that you don't intend to use in your project

Tools set up

Each of these tools have configuration specific to their usage in a monorepo, which has been configured for you. See our style guide for more information on the configuration for each tool.

If you plan to use any of the following, please see the style guide for how to set them up:

Workflows set up

  • Install: run yarn
    • This also runs a postinstall hook that will validate your monorepo setup (using Manykpkg), and set your packages up for dev (using Preconstruct)
  • Test: run yarn test, which will run Jest tests.
  • Build: run yarn build
    • This uses Preconstruct to build dist files from the source of all packages in /packages and /apps. You will need to add your own build scripts if you need to build websites.
  • Release: run yarn release
    • this will run the build command, and then run changeset publish

We strongly recommend using Changesets for versioning as well, here is a base explanation of the workflow