
Scrape and summarize news from The Straits Times

Primary LanguagePython



   ______           _ __        _______
  / __/ /________ _(_) /____   /_  __(_)_ _  ___ ___
 _\ \/ __/ __/ _ `/ / __(_-<    / / / /  ' \/ -_|_-<
/___/\__/_/  \_,_/_/\__/___/   /_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/
   _  __                 ____                          _
  / |/ /__ _    _____   / __/_ ____ _  __ _  ___ _____(_)__ ___ ____
 /    / -_) |/|/ (_-<  _\ \/ // /  ' \/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ /_ // -_) __/
/_/|_/\__/|__,__/___/ /___/\_,_/_/_/_/_/_/_/\_,_/_/ /_//__/\__/_/

A set of scripts to scrape for news from The Straits Times and summarize the news articles. An added function is to e-mail the summaries and send the original articles as an e-mail attachment.


Main script: st_news.py

  • Summaries of news articles (TexRank summarization).
  • Includes article's tags, author, and the date/time it was published.
  • Outputs summaries, original texts, and news headlines as .txt files.



  • Handles text summary.


  • Option to e-mail articles through Gmail.
  • Summarized text is in html format.
  • Original news text is sent as an attachment.




Configure your settings in news_config.py and email_config.py.

News settings news_config.py

  1. Toggle to search for only today's news. Set to True if you only want to pull news articles that were published today.
todays_news = False
  1. Set the number of news articles (top headlines) you want to pull per category.
headline_count = 5
  1. Set categories. Comment to exclude category; decomment to include it.
st_categories = [
    ("Singapore", "http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore", "ST_Singapore.txt"),
    ("Politics", "http://www.straitstimes.com/politics", "ST_Politics.txt"),
    ("Asia", "http://www.straitstimes.com/asia", "ST_Asia.txt"),
    ("World", "http://www.straitstimes.com/world", "ST_World.txt"),
    # ("Lifestyle", "http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle", "ST_Lifestyle.txt"),
    # ("Food", "http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/food", "ST_Food.txt"),
    # ("Sport", "http://www.straitstimes.com/sport", "ST_Sport.txt"),
    # ("Tech", "http://www.straitstimes.com/tech", "ST_Tech.txt")

Set any other specific 'Tags' to pull news from. These tags would be appended to the main categories. Again, comment to exclude category; decomment to include it.

st_tags = [
    ("Scientific Research", "http://www.straitstimes.com/tags/scientific-research", "ST_Scientific-Research.txt")
    # ("Science", "http://www.straitstimes.com/tags/science", "ST_Science.txt"),
    # ("US Politics", "http://www.straitstimes.com/tags/us-politics", "ST_US-Politics.txt")

E-mail/Gmail settings email_config.py

Gmail is used in st_email.py. Ensure that "Allow less secure apps" is turned on for the gmail account.

  1. Toggle send e-mail function. Set to True to enable; False to disable.
email_news = False
  1. User's gmail details.
gmail_user = "user@gmail.com"       # user gmail address
gmail_pwd = "userpwd"               # user gmail password
  1. E-mail addresses of reciepients.
send_to = [


Feel free to contact me if you run into issues or have suggests for improvement.