
Ahh-sum-tips (Awesome tips!)

Ahh-sum-tips (Awesome tips!) - Press on one of the listed .ipynb files above to see elaborations of these summaries!

linux_reference_sheet - a reference for linux commands that may be commonly used

references_not_variables - if you ever set something directly equal to something else without modifying it, the original item may change!

list_numpy_tidbits - np.where() needs np.array, not lists, to work properly. Also lists replicate while np.arrays actually perform multiplication with multiply

parentheses_ramble - parentheses do not define tuples; used to change order of operations and continue onto next line without backslashes, but may be misleading with unfinished parentheses!

python_conventions - incomplete guide to pep8 conventions used for styling in Python

CPR(COPYPASTERUN)_BID(BREAKITDOWN)_UT(UNITTEST) - example of the process I utilize when I program to gain insight on code to apply to personal data

datetime_array_methods - how to convert datetimes into strings, shift datetime arrays, and convert the arrays to specific types of time

debugging_validity - besides making scripts run successfully, data scientists should also ensure the results are valid by passing various validity tests such as the smell test!

linking_conditionals - parentheses matter when linking conditionals and symbols of conjunctions aren't interchangeable in np.where()!

apply_weighted_moving_filter - apply a weighted rolling sum across a dataframe

from_multi_index_df_to_pivoted - convert a multi-index dataframe to a pivoted dataframe; useful for creating heatmaps

filter_df_cols_by_pattern_regex - subselect dataframe columns by pattern regex (similar column names or wildcard)

using_pandas_datetimeindex - using pd.DatetimeIndex to quickly resample, group, or locate data

pandas_converting_str_bool_cols - convert string boolean column to actual booleans in pandas

matplotlib_to_holoviews - mirror matplotlib functionality in holoviews

pandas_review_and_practice - many pandas operations examples and practice questions

using_pandas_datetime - replace datetime module with pandas