Controls the configuration of the default /etc/sudoers file and included files/directories.
- 11
- 0
Any plan to publish collection?
#43 opened by benformosa - 0
Provide dependencies information
#42 opened by Piroro-hs - 9
- 0
ownership of local backup directory
#34 opened by shk3bq4d - 6
"Ensure the sudoers file is valid and up to date (specs all in one)" fails when using become
#23 opened by jph - 3
- 0
- 3
Defining roles in different files
#26 opened - 0
- 1
- 5
Ansible 2.5 slice filter error
#24 opened by dobrozhanskyi - 0
Error while running playbook
#25 opened by riponbanik - 1
"--check"-mode run fails due to undefined sudoers_includes_separate_specs.stdout
#21 opened by rhaamo - 1
- 2
Role fails with "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'iteritems'"
#16 opened by hpio - 0
- 2
Semantic versioning
#9 opened by achaussier - 2
Last merged PR erase previous change
#10 opened by achaussier