Simple Makefile example for CompCert C compiler.
Hello, World! at CompCert C compiler.
make run
However, it is also possible to build using CMake for confirmation.
mkdir -p cmake-build-debug && cd $_ && cmake ..
make run
Details are written on the official page, so I will explain how to obtain what you need such as Coq.
- Install OPAM. On Ubutu 16.04:
sudo apt install opam
opam init --comp 4.06.1 # Initialize ~/.opam
eval `opam config env`
sudo apt install m4 # If you get a warning about m4
- Install Coq.
opam update # Update the packages database
opam install coq.8.7.1
- Install Menhir.
opam install menhir
- Add the path
and check installation was successful.
coqc -v
menhir --version