
Post Sale Automobile Report

Design Blocks Image by: Tesla

Table of contents

What is this?

In this project, I will utilize data from an automobile tracking platform that tracks the history of important incidents after the initial sale of a new vehicle. Such incidents include subsequent private sales, repairs, and accident reports. The platform provides a good reference for second-hand buyers to understand the vehicles they are interested in.

How to use this?

In this project, I will receive a dataset with a history report of various vehicles. The goal is to write a MapReduce program to produce a report of the total number of accidents per make and year of the car.


Project is created with:

  • Hortonworks HDP Sandbox 3.0.0
  • Python 3.8+



  • Update the below line in the python files to run locally

  • Update the below line in the python files to run on Hadoop
#!/usr/bin/env python

Local Execution

Output of Mapreduce program

  • Mapper1 Output

  • Reducer1 Output

  • Mapper2 Output

  • Reducer2 Output


  • Execution in Hadoop Distributed Environment

1. Move the mapreduce files to /home/hdfs and assign permissions

chmod +x /home/hduser/autoinc_mapper*.py

chmod +x /home/hduser/autoinc_reducer*.py

2. Create a folder in HDFS and move the data.csv file

hdfs dfs -mkdir /<datafolder>

3. Move the data.csv to the datafolder in HDFS

hdfs dfs -put <local_path>/data.csv /<datafolder>/

4. Create bashscript 'mapreduce1.sh' to execute the first set of mapreduce code

hadoop jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-file /home/hdfs/autoinc_mapper1.py    -mapper /home/hdfs/autoinc_mapper1.py \
-file /home/hdfs/autoinc_reducer1.py   -reducer /home/hdfs/autoinc_reducer1.py \
-input /<datafolder>/data.csv \
-output /output

sh mapreduce.sh

5. After execution, the output will be saved to the 'output folder'

[hdfs@sandbox-hdp ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /output/part-00000                                                                                                                                                            
EXOA00341AB123456       Mercedes   2016
INU45KIOOPA343980       Mercedes   2015                
UXIA769ABCC447906       Toyota     2017                               
VOME254OOXW344325       Mercedes   2015                      
VXIO456XLBB630221       Nissan     2003


  • Repeat the same steps for mapreduce1.sh
  • The output should be as follows:
[hdfs@sandbox-hdp ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /accidents_count_per_make_year/part-00000                                                                                                                                           
Toyota          2017    1                                                              
Mercedes        2016    1                                                    
Mercedes        2015    2                               
Nissan          2003    1