Ahungry Deletefier

BG:EE/BG2:EE/EET mod - Removes many items from creatures/stores/areas - basically tries to 'downgrade' any special item types into their base form given some probability.


Alpha quality, I need to do some play throughs with this mod!

WARNING: You will NOT be able to complete certain quests as expected with this mod. Accepting that will (perhaps) add some replayability - or let CLUAConsole be your friend for items you feel you should have received (use NearInfinity or EEKeeper on another saved game to find the item codes).

What percent of items would you like to have disappear (creatures, stores, and areas)?

   0   = no items deleted (why are you installing this mod again?)
   50  = half of all items are deleted
   100 = all items are deleted that aren't script creations/random npc loot (probably a bad idea!)

Hint: On a megamod (200+ mods) I enjoy 90 to 95 - it makes gear acquisition exciting again.


I would recommend installing this last, or at least after all mods that update/add files in override/

weinstall ahungry_deletefier

Or to install specific parts non-interactively (*nix based at least...):

echo -ne '90\n90\n90\n' | weinstall ahungry_deletefier --force-install 1 1000 2000 3000 4000

Would install (at 90% deletion percent) the stores component (2000), the area component (3000) and the creature component (4000).


weinstall ahungry_deletefier --uninstall


Build up list of deletables and non-deletables.
