Have you ever found the need for change, but had no idea how to move forward? Without a clear path or the support necessary to succeed, change - especially cultural change - can be daunting. Transformation can be scary and faced with resistance, but it doesn’t have to be.
At the heart of DevOps is the idea that teams work together to innovate faster, reducing the length of feedback loops and delivering value. Applying principles of collaborative practices, iterative improvements, incremental testing, and continuous learning can transform culture - not only within development teams, but also in some less obvious places.
Join me as we go through some real-world examples of applying principles that can lead to real change!
Presented at the following venues:
- Selenium Conf (Apr 2017)
- TISQA (Feb 2018)
- SauceCon (Mar 2018)
- Quality Jam (Apr 2018)
- DevOps West (Jun 2018)
- TriTaug Meetup (Oct 2018) - added exercises
- Booster Conf (Mar 2019) - 3 hour workshop w/ Lisa Crispin
Presentation and materials for Transforming Culture with DevOps Principles Talk. This changes each time I give it, so notable differences are listed out.
Github is yelling at me for trying to upload a 90 MB file. So, here are some links!
- Presentation with Exercises PPTX - full speaker notes (and duplicate slides to break them up)
- Presentation with Exercises PDF - no speaker notes, no duplicate slides
- Exercise Worksheets PDF - these are also listed individually above
I'd love to talk with your team or at your conference! Find me on Twitter or LinkedIn.