Advent of Code Template for Rust

Setup Instructions

Note: I recommend forking this repository before moving forward, as the script used to generate the Advent of Code scripts is destructive and should only ever need to be run once unless something drastic happens (ex. a change to the template script that you want to cascade to the rest of the days). Better yet, feel free to delete once you've run it once! It will always be available here.

Run the below script to dynamically generate scripts for all Advent of Code days

chmod +x ./

Once you begin a challenge, you will need to first populate the inputs for that day's challenge. For each day there is a input fule (day1/resources/input) that you can paste the file into. Once done, common::read_lines will take care of the rest and can start solving.

Solving the Challenges

You'll be greeted with the following function for puzzles 1 and 2. As mentioned in the comment, please change _entry to entry once you begin the challenge. You can then use entry to retrieve each line of the input file.

fn puzzle1() {
    let mut input_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));

    for line in read_lines(input_path.as_path()).unwrap() {
        // Make below variable "entry" instead once starting the puzzle
        // This is mostly to avoid clippy complaining x50
        let _entry = line.unwrap();

Running the Code

As this uses Cargo workspaces, you will need to manually specify which day you want to run. To achieve this, run cargo run -p day1 for whichever day you are currently on.

Alternatively, I recommend the following workflow using cargo-watch.

cargo install cargo-watch
cargo watch -x check -x fmt -x clippy -x 'run -p day1'