
Dashboard showing busses and weather in your area.

Primary LanguagePython

Home Screen

The purpose of home screen is to show the most relevant information for the user. The application is location aware, and will show the most relevant information for the user at any given time.

This domain of contextual information is enormous, so the application is built around a limited set of sources for now.

The information shown is

  • Digital watch
  • Weather forecasts from YR
  • The next busses for the closes bus stops

This is how it should look like in Development Home Screen running


Andreas Dreyer Hysing

All rights reserved

System requirements


Software does not run on thin air, and an installation process is necessary to get this webapp up and running. The application runs both on premise and in the cloud.

This documentation is written for Ubuntu Linux 14.04. Shell commands will only run on Linux with Bash. The software has been tested on Mac OSX and Ubuntu only.

Install Prerequesites

Install python with pip and virtualenv. This requires Ubuntu Linux.

sudo apt-get install -y python
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv

Install Google app engine SDK as described in GAE SDK for Python documentation

Get the code from VCS

This step is only required if the code is gotten through VCS. If this is not the case skip straight to the next section.

Install git to get the code.

sudo apt-get install -y git

Get the code through git and enter the code directory. Type your username and password as set up on your profile on https://bitbucket.org/. Assure you have the right access rights.

We assume use user ahysing and continue as given

git clone https://ahysing@bitbucket.org/ahysing/home-screen.git

Create a virtual environment.

virtualenv venv

Activate virtualenv and install required modules.

source venv/bin/activate
cd homescreen/webapp
pip install -r requirements.py -t lib/


sudo python setup.py install
pserve development.ini

The application is now running on http://localhost:6543 . Stop the application by sending the kill signal in the shell with Ctrl+C key comination.

Further reading