A simple genetic algorithm that simule the string evolution by a lot generations making crossover betwen the genes(strings) for each generation.
S(t) is the chromosomes population in t generation
t ? 0
initialize S(t)
eveluate S(t)
t ? t+ 1
select S(t) from S(t- 1)
apply crossover at S(t)
apply mutation at S(t)
eveluate S(t)
end (or repeat)
Just Dowlaod this and run.
You can change some values to test more settings at Program Class(when have the Main Method)
//result that program must find
Algorithm.FinalResult = "Ola Mundo";
//letters the program can use
Algorithm.Characters = "!,.:;?áÁãÃâÂõÕôÔóÓéêÉÊíQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLÇZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklçzxcvbnm1234567890 ";
Algorithm.CrossoverRate = 0.6;
Algorithm.MutationRate = 0.3;
//just set true
bool eltism = true;
//Population Lenth for each generation
int PopulationLenth = 100;
long MaxGenerations = 10000;
Visual Studio only
Just dowload the project and set a double-click into Geneticalgorithm.sln
Look the issues, fork me and send a pull request.