
Obsidian Wechat public Plugin (微信公众平台) is a plugin to release article from your Obsidian Vault to WeChat, Baidu baiJiahao or other platforms.

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Obsidian Wechat Public Plugin

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The Obsidian WeChat public platform plug-in is an obsidian community plug-in that is used to publish articles or videos and other resources in obsidian to the WeChat public account.

Video Walkthrough

  • Chinese Video Display 中文视频演示请点击下面图片

Wechat Public Platform Baidu BaiJiaHao
Obsidian Wechat Obsidian Wechat

Release history


Functions & Command

  • [ upload material to WeChatPublic ] Upload resource pictures and videos to WeChat public account resource management (waiting for obsidian to support formdata body)
  • [ add draft to WeChatPublic ] Add graphic and text resources to the draft box of WeChat public platform
  • [ Release article to WeChatPublic ] Release graphic messages and various resources and publish them on the WeChat public platform
  • [ Send all fans to WeChatPublic ] Send group messages to fans (note: authentication is required to have calling permission)
  • [download-material-from-wechatpublic] download material(news,image,video,audio) from wechat public platform
  • [download-youtube-video] download video from youtube platform
  • [publish-baidu-bjh-news] publish obsidian's article to baidu's baijiahao

Overall Down/Upload
setting uploadMateial
commands download


Directly search for wechat public in the plug-in market, find Wechat public Plugin and click install to install it. After the installation is complete, click Enable to enable the plug-in. [png]

Second method is download the release package, then make a new dir, name to wechat-public-plugin, last put them to .obsidian/plugin, and find 3rd plugin to enable.

Or download the source code and compile it into main.js manifest.json and put it in the plug-in directory under .obsidian, and then Enable.

Using case

Article frontmatter annotation

  • It is recommended to use the following frontmatter. This plug-in will use the following fields
author: Blake   // for article author
thumb_media_id: "awM_2hMypzpKEBfvr0B09MPmBahsXrBzBhNAzIPXHzRYGjzErk7ZBs4L8nL7VpEY" // media id in wechat platform
banner: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1620266757065-5814239881fd?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=85&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=srgb&w=2400"
banner_path: "twitter.jpg"  // image file path
open_comment: 0
source_url: ""  // ref article url source
digest: ""
  • Article cover: When the WeChat public platform internal resource thumb_media_id has the highest priority, followed by the network image banner, and finally the local image path of obsidian
  • Other fields will be filled with relevant information about articles published on the WeChat public platform.

API Key And Secret

  • Login Tencent Wechat Server, go into Setting and Develop page.
  • And find the basic setting subpage of Setting and Develop page. copy appid and secret to plugin setting.


  • The wechat platform request user put the client Ip to server whitelist. It's same page with API Key and Secret.
  • You could find your outneter ip in here.
  • And put ip [] or [] if you out network ip is []

Wechat public API

Wechat API

Support & Funding

Halo World
wechat-motion-qr wechat-motion-qr
Buy Me A Coffee

Star History

Star History Chart