voxcraft-sim python packages: numpy, sklearn, lxml
sr2020@union:~$ pip3 install --user numpy sklearn lxml
You can use voxcraft-viz to visualize history files.
Clone this repo.
Create some .vxd file(s) in the demo (robot_folder) folder. You can take a look at the bot.vxd
to see what .vxd file should look like.
Also, this directory needs to contain voxcraft-sim
and vx3_node_worker
. Copy them here from the voxcraft-sim build.
You should be able to run the experiment.
sr2020@union:~$ python experiment.py
There is a lot of parameters one can change:
should be the same as in your bot.vxd
is the array that mapelites output gets multiplied with. Each row contains elastic_mod, uStatic, uDynamic, density, CTE
You can also run experiment.py
with some arguments.
sr2020@union:~/sr2020$ python experiment.py --message "I've changed CTE from 0.1 to 0.2" #add a message to logfile
sr2020@union:~/sr2020$ python experiment.py --checkpoint 200717134521 #tell experiment to use given checkpoint
#simple example
number_of_materials = 1
mult_arr = np.array( [ 1e6, 5, 1, 1.5e3, 0.1 ] )
is the folder, where the data is going to be saved. Then, each experiment folder has year/month/day/hour/min/sec format.
- your vxd file(s) needs to be saved here. This is the robot the experiment is going to be ran with. How to create vxd.
- name of the logfile
- here you can change some of the map elites parameters. Most important are:
- our "controller storage"
- when should the experiment stop
For simulation, environment and map elites
default parameters please check below.
Checkout the voxcraft docs if you're not sure what the settings are doing.
You may change some of the properties for simulations. Example usage:
from evosorocore2.Environment import default_env
env = default_env.copy()
env["TempPeriod"] = 0.2
default_env = \
#True or False, use Simulator Force Field as an alternative
"GravEnabled" : True,
#a real number in m/s^2, negative means downwards
"GravAcc" : -9.81,
#True or False (False will let things fall for ever)
"FloorEnabled" : True,
#Is temperature enabled?
"TempEnabled" : False,
#True or False (this way we can move the voxels)
"VaryTempEnabled" : False,
#degrees of Celsius
"TempBase" : 25,
#a real number in degree Celsius (amplitude of temp oscillation)
"TempAmplitude" : 0,
#a real number in second (period of temp oscillation)
"TempPeriod" : 0.1
default_sim = \
#"FitnessFunction" : "UNDEFINED",
#0.0 ~ 1.0, how safe do we want to have the time step
#1.0 if everything is fine, 0.5 if we want a safer run
"DtFrac" : 0.9,
#0.0 ~ 1.0, if we want voxels to jiggle a lot, we use 0.0, if we want to calm down, 1.0
"BondDampingZ" : 0.1,
#0.0 ~ 1.0, if we want voxels bouncing on the floor, we use 0.0, otherwise 1.0
"ColDampingZ" : 1.0,
#0.0 ~ 1.0, if we want to dump everything in simulation, we use 1.0, otherwise 0.0
"SlowDampingZ" : 1.0,
#number of seconds to run the experiment
"StopConditionFormula" : 1,
#number of steps per which we want to record voxels (e.g. 100 means every 100 steps)
"RecordStepSize" : 100,
#True or False, True if want to record voxels, else False
"RecordVoxel" : True,
#True or False, True if we want to record voxel links, else False
"RecordLink" : False,
#True or False, True if we want voxel collisions, else False
"EnableCollision" : True,
#"EnableAttach" : False,
#"AttachCondition" : "UNDEFINED",
#integer, number of steps in which there will be a special damping
"SafetyGuard" : 500,
#"ForceField" : "UNDEFINED",
#True or False, True if we want to enable signals, else False
"EnableSignals" : False,
#True or False, True if we want to enable Cilia, else False
"EnableCilia" : False,
#True or False, True if we want to save position of all voxels
"SavePositionOfAllVoxels" : False,
#real number, sometimes we need to count how many pairs of Target voxels are close to each other
"MaxDistInVoxelLengthsToCountAsPair" : 0
default_mat = \
#material id
"id" : 0,
#material name
"Name" : "Default name",
#material color, rgba
"color" : (1,0,1,1),
#True if we want voxels of this mat. to be target, else False
"isTarget" : False,
#True if we want to measure voxels made by this mat. in all MathTree fcs(), else False
"isMeasured" : True,
#True if we don't want this material to move at all, else False
"Fixed" : False,
#True if we want attachment happen to this mat., else False
"Sticky" : False,
#real number, 0 if we don't want cilia to happen
"Cilia" : 0,
#True if this mat. can generate periodic signals, else False
"isPaceMaker" : False,
#real number, period between two signal
"PaceMakerPeriod" : 0,
#0.0 ~ 1.0, decay ratio of signal propagation in other parts of the body
"signalValueDecay" : 0.9,
#real number/sec delay of signal at every stop
"signalTimeDelay" : 0.03,
#real number how long does voxel stay inactive after sending signal
"inactivePeriod" : 0.03,
#False simple elastic model, True for perfectly elastic mat.
"MatModel" : False,
#real number in Pascal, Young's Modulus
"Elastic_Mod" : 0,
#real number in Pascal, if stress > threshold -> mat. will fail by fracture
"Fail_Stress" : 0,
#real number in kg/m^3, e.g. rubber's density 1.5e+3 kg/m^3
"Density" : 0,
#0.0 ~ 0.5
"Poissons_Ratio" : 0,
#small real number in 1/degree Celsius
"CTE" : 0,
#0.0 ~ 5.0, static frictional coefficient
"uStatic" : 0,
#0.0 ~ 1.0, kinetic frictional coefficient
"uDynamic" : 0,
default_params = \
# more of this -> higher-quality CVT
"cvt_samples": 25000,
# we evaluate in batches to paralleliez
"batch_size": 100,
# proportion of niches to be filled before starting
"random_init": 0.1,
# batch for random initialization
"random_init_batch": 100,
# when to write results (one generation = one batch)
"dump_period": 10000,
# do we use several cores?
"parallel": True,
# do we cache the result of CVT and reuse?
"cvt_use_cache": True,
# min/max of parameters
"min": 0,
"max": 1,