
Embed app store and play store screenshots in device frames with chrome headless.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Embed app store and play store screenshots in device frames. Drop in replacement for fastlane frameit.

Also check out the blog article for how to use frameit-chrome for flutter apps for more details: https://codeux.design/articles/automatically-add-device-frames-and-text-to-app-screenshots/

It uses a simple dart script to locate localized screenshots and parses title.strings and keyword.strings and uses chrome headless to render the screenshot with some css and html magic.

Example Screenshot


  • Dart 😅️ (for now)
  • Google Chrome executable. By default, will look into /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome (tested with Chrome 86.0.4240.30).
  • Screenshots and Device Frames.


Create screenshots

Use any tool to create non-framed screenshots, for flutter I've used screenshots package.

Download device frames

Download device frames from https://github.com/fastlane/frameit-frames to $HOME/frameit-frames.

Folder hierarchy

Place your screenshots into file hierarchy as used by fastlane.

  android/ # <-- `--base-dir` argument
      samsung-galaxy-s10-plus-password_generator.png # Example
      keyword.strings (optional)
      samsung-galaxy-s10-plus-password_generator.png # Example
      keyword.strings (optional)
    frameit.yaml (optional)
  framed/ # <-- output directory
  • In the above example: <base-dir> = metadata/android
  • Put Screenshots into <base-dir>/<locale>/images/
  • a title.strings and keyword.strings into <base-dir>/<locale>/
  • example title.strings (key must match part of the file name of the screenshot):

"password_generator" = "Great password generator!"; ```

Install frameit_chrome

pub global activate frameit_chrome

Run frameit_chrome.dart:

(Assumes frameit-frames downloaded to $HOME/frameit-frames)

pub global run frameit_chrome --base-dir=/myproject/fastlane/metadata/android --frames-dir=$HOME/frameit-frames/latest

On non-mac platforms or when you've installed Google Chrome in non-default location:

pub global run frameit_chrome --base-dir=/myproject/fastlane/metadata/android --frames-dir=$HOME/frameit-frames/latest --chrome-binary="/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome"


See the Example Directory as well as usage of AuthPass:


  • Allow more customizations
    • Frame screenshot overrides.
    • CSS customizations.