
👨‍🎓 My solutions of PRACTICE PYTHON practicepython.org

Primary LanguagePython


My solutions of PRACTICE PYTHON

01. Character Input
02. Odd Or Even
03. List Less Than Ten
04. Divisor
05. List Overlap
06. String Lists
07. List Comprehensions
08. Rock Paper Scissors
09. Guessing Game One
10. List Overlap Comprehensions
11. Check Primality Functions
12. List Ends
13. Fibonacci
14. List Remove Duplicates
15. Reverse Word Order
16. Password Generator
17. Decode A Web Page
18. Cows And Bulls
19. Decode A Web Page Two
20. Element Search
21. Write To A File
22. Read From File
23. File Overlap
24. Draw A Game Board: Tic Tac Toe Game series 1.
25. Guessing Game Two Solutions
26. Check Tic Tac Toe: Tic Tac Toe Game series 2.
27. Tic Tac Toe Draw: Tic Tac Toe Game series 3.
28. Max Of Three
29. Tic Tac Toe Game: Tic Tac Toe Game series 4 (final). Unfinished, but I have improved the game to N-in-line (N can be 3, 4, 5 or more) to win the game in a X (X >= N) large size game board. Enjoy! 30.
31. Guess Letters
33. Birthday Dictionaries