
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ai4os-secrets example

How to run the example

  • Get an access token from EGI Checkin or AI4EOSC IAM and setting it to the ACCESS_TOKEN environment
  • Install hvac and PyJWT library
pip install hvac pyjwt
  • Comment/uncomment the correct server setting according to the Identity provider (EGI Checkin Prod/Dev/Demo or AI4EOSC IAM) in the file "secrets.py". For example for AI4EOSC IAM
VAULT_ADDR = "https://secrets.services.ai4os.eu:8200"
VAULT_MOUNT_POINT = "/secrets/"
  • Execute the example
python secrets.py

How the code works

Each operation is divided into three steps:

  • Initialize the client. An valid access token is needed for authentication
client = hvac.Client(url=VAULT_ADDR)
client.auth.jwt.jwt_login(role=VAULT_ROLE, jwt=access_token, path=VAULT_AUTH_PATH)
  • Call the corresponding function of the client for the required operation (create/list/read/delete secrets). The most important parameter is the path what is composed of home path + local secret path
# Create/update a secret
    path=home_path + "test01",
    secret={"username": "abcdef", "password": "123456"},

# Read a secret
response = client.secrets.kv.v1.read_secret(
    path=home_path + "test01",
  • For listing and reading operations, extract output data from responses. Creating/deleting operations do not return any data
# Extract the list of secrets in the path from  response
secrets_list = map(str, response["data"]["keys"])

# Extract the secret data in dict {key:value} format from response
secret = response["data"]