
this is an example project for the Warrior Scholar Program (warrior-scholar.org) STEM week, for a Research Project Leader to run for their students.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This is a 1-week exoplanet research project originally created by astronomers at MIT which has since been HEAVILY modified and refined by Taylor Hutchison, who has used it to teach veterans from 2018-2021 as part of the Warrior Scholar Project (warrior-scholar.org).

Check out the order of notebooks to see the recommended order to run through for the week. Also, in my experience helping the students install python on their computers was often non-trivial -- during the pandemic (i.e., starting 2020) we shifted to using Google Colab for this work, which kind of acts like a Google Doc but for ipython notebooks. So it runs in your browser and others can view your work too (which was very helpful when trying to troubleshoot code with a student).

Note from Taylor:

This project has slightly improved and evolved every year that I've taught it, so this final version is the culmination of four years of tweaking, refinement, and feedback from the WSP students.

When teaching this project, it's good to allow yourself to be flexible with the notebooks and when they're assigned to the students. During the WSP week every summer, I would continually reassess every day how the students were progressing and then decide when to move to the next notebooks. So if you need to push notebooks to later days or leave them as an exercise for the students, on their own time, that's absolutely fine!

Feel free to take this and tweak it for your own needs -- and if you find any issues or broken links, please let me know!

Taylor Hutchison