
Token Bridge between ethereum and an ArbChain

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Arbitrum Token Bridge Web UI

Run Locally

  1. git clone https://github.com/OffchainLabs/arb-token-bridge

  2. cd ./arb-token-bridge && yarn install

  3. cd ./packages/use-wallet && yarn build

  4. Set env vars:

    1. touch ./packages/arb-token-bridge-ui/.env

    2. In .env, add NEXT_PUBLIC_INFURA_KEY=my-infura-key

    3. For custom urls, set optional vars:

    • NEXT_PUBLIC_GOERLI_RPC_URL=my-goerli-node (see .env.sample) If no custom URL is provided, Infura will be used by default.

Dev Build

  1. (back in root dir:) yarn dev:sdk

  2. Open new terminal tab

  3. yarn dev:ui

  4. Visit http://localhost:3000/

Local Production Build

  1. Run yarn start

Run End-to-End Tests

  1. Run the token bridge UI locally

  2. Set env vars:

    1. At this repository's root, cp ./packages/arb-token-bridge-ui/.e2e.env.sample ./packages/arb-token-bridge-ui/.e2e.env

    2. In the newly created file, .e2e-env, update your SECRET_WORDS, ADDRESS, etc in the format mentioned in the file.

  3. cd ./packages/arb-token-bridge-ui/ && yarn e2e:run

Read more about the setup here.

Development Tools

We use a couple of tools to automate things (e.g. code formatting), maintain consistency and reduce noise for code reviews. For the optimal development experience, install the following tools:

  • Yarn - Package manager
    • Find Yarn install guide for your system here
  • Prettier - Automatic code formatting
    • Find Prettier integration for your code editor here
  • EditorConfig - Automatic file formatting
    • Find EditorConfig integration for your code editor here
  • ESLint - Static analysis for JavaScript
    • Find ESLint integration for your code editor here

Deposit Lifecycle

A Deposit is tracked via a single Transaction entry (in the useTransactions hook) which represents its initiated L1 transaction; its L2 status is tracked via the L1ToL2MessageData field.

  1. Deposit is initiated via one of the deposit methods in useArbTokenBridge; its initial L1ToL2MessageData.status is set to NOT_YET_CREATED.

  2. The RetryableTxnsIncluder regularly polls for l1DepositsWithUntrackedL2Messages (and finds it).

    • Note that the "normal" case for a found l1DepositsWithUntrackedL2Messages is one whose status is NOT_YET_CREATED; it also looks for deposits with no L1ToL2MessageData field at all — this is solely for backwards compatibility with cached transactions in the old UI.
  3. fetchAndUpdateL1ToL2MsgStatus is called; this immediately sets the L2 message's current status, and, if that status is non-terminal (i.e., NOT_YET_CREATED), it makes a call that waits for the status to return, and updates it accordingly.

    • We track the state of whether we're currently waiting for a terminal status to return via the fetching field; this prevents multiple redundant/asynchronous queries from being made. Note that when we cache transactions in localStorage, we set all fetching fields to false (see localStorageReducer); i.e., if we leave a page mid-fetch, we should start fetching again upon returning to the page.
  4. If a retryable fails, a very similar lifecycle to 2-3 takes place, in which we poll to see if that status has been changed (to, i.e., redeemed). See getFailedRetryablesToRedeem.

The L1ToL2MessageData.l2TxID field will be populated when/if the deposit succeeds; in the case of token deposits, this will be the execution transaction. For Eth deposits, this will be equal to the retryableCreationTxID (Eth deposits have no execution transaction.)