is a package for probabilistic learning of tree-structured, heterogeneous graph data based on sum-product networks. The package extends the standard sum-product networks by introducing a novel computational node---the set node---and creating model-builders for the networks. The implementation follows the methodology of the SumProductTransform.jl package. The package Mill.jl is utilized to process tree-structured graphs embodied by the JSON format.
To reproduce this project, do the following:
Download this repository.
Open the Julia (preferably Julia 1.9) console and type:
using Pkg Pkg.activate("path/to/the/project") Pkg.instantiate()
These commands will download and install all necessary packages defined in the project environment.
Use the package:
using SumProductSet
Basic examples are in the examples folder. Examples requiring libraries that are not included in SumProductSet.jl package have a separate environment.
Mill.jl or Distribution.jl is preferred tousing
, since it does not create ambiguity between these packages and the SumProductSet.jl package.