The bootstrap components made with styled-components 💅
- 0
Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <button> cannot appear as a descendant of <button>. #29
#213 opened by raneem13j - 13
Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <button> cannot appear as a descendant of <button>.
#29 opened by aakhan89 - 1
- 0
Styled-Components v^5.0.0
#99 opened by Garrett45 - 0
Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <button> cannot appear as a descendant of <button>.
#90 opened by basakulcay - 3
Error trying to build packages.
#71 opened by apisandipas - 2
- 15
- 9
ModalDialog max-width
#53 opened by aakhan89 - 11
- 3
multiSelect, singleSelect Form fields
#58 opened by aakhan89 - 0
resize prop on FormControl
#55 opened by aakhan89 - 0
Animation on Dismiss Alert
#52 opened by aakhan89 - 1
customize focus styling on FormControl
#59 opened by aakhan89 - 0
- 8
Ability to use bootstrap classes
#28 opened by dachinat - 6
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Want to hide alert form modal
#50 opened by aakhan89 - 0
Fix: passing props to modal
#41 opened by aichbauer - 2
readOnly prop
#45 opened by aakhan89 - 4
<Column> Lacks 'offset' feature
#40 opened by zhangriyueming - 1
How to update Dropdown with DropdownItem onClick
#44 opened by aakhan89 - 3
- 2
- 5
Fix: NavLink using with a router component
#6 opened by aichbauer - 1
How to pass custom props
#32 opened by aakhan89 - 2
Dropdownmenu Right Alignment
#30 opened by aakhan89 - 1
1 Dropdown Menu should be open at one time
#31 opened by aakhan89 - 2
boxShadow should be boxShadowColor
#27 opened by aakhan89 - 9
- 1
- 0
Docs: display menu
#21 opened by aichbauer - 3
Contaner not getting centered
#18 opened by kingRayhan - 4
Can't Load Components
#16 opened by MonteKrysto - 5
FormControlInput is not a constructor
#14 opened by geirman - 1
Fix: make usable with styled-components v4.x.x
#12 opened by aichbauer - 6
Table - valign td
#9 opened by joetidee - 1
Disable Scroll
#8 opened by ericraio - 6