
A library of high-order components for building API-driven SPAs with Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Assure HAL Angular Components

Assure HAL angular Components is an npm library of reusable Angular components. It brings together two different responsibilities:

We have other libraries that will help you handling these responsibilities individually (Halstack Client) / Assure Angular CDK ). Assure HAL Angulara Components uses them under the hood, but it's a higher level abstraction that puts both responsibilities together using the most common association patterns.

For example, collection resources are often associated with tables, and there are a lot of semantics in the standards described by the DXC API guidelines for collections (sorting, paginating...) that could be associated with UI interactions (clicking a table header for sorting, clicking pages for paginating)


Assure HAL Angular Components is distributed as an npm library. In order to use it in an existing project, you must install it first:

npm install @dxc-technology/halstack-angular-hal

The library provides the following components and hooks to be used in your React application:


Service Facade


HalAutocomplete Usage

import { DxcAutocompleteHalModule, DxcAutocompleteHalComponent } from '@dxc-technology/halstack-angular-hal';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
  entryComponents: [

HalAutocomplete Props

Name Default Description
halUrl: string The URL of the collection from which we will get a list of items that will contain the value we are looking for. Required
headers: Object Contains the http headers to be sent along with the http requests to the collectionUrl. Optional
asyncHeadersHandler: ()=>Observable Async function that will be executed right before every http request in order to retrieve dynamic headers. It must return an observable that resolves into an object with the keys and values of the headers. These headers will be merged with the ones indicated in the headers prop. Optional
propertyName: string Name of the property to be used for filtering the data. Required
rel: string Name of the rel of the method that is going to be executed to receive the options for the autocomplete. Required
In addition to these component-specific properties you will also have all the properties of the Text field component that can be found on its site

HalAutocomplete Example

  selector: 'app-autocomplete-hal',
  templateUrl: './autocomplete-hal.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./autocomplete-hal.component.scss']
export class AutocompleteHalComponent implements OnInit {

  autocompleteUrl = 'http://...';

    label="HalAutocomplete example"


Hal Table Usage

import { DxcHalTableModule, DxcHalTableComponent } from '@dxc-technology/halstack-angular-hal';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
  entryComponents: [

Hal Table Props

Name Default Description
collectionUrl: string The URL of the collection resource to be used for the table. Required
headers: Object Contains the http headers to be sent along with the http requests to the collectionUrl. Optional
itemsPerPage: number 5 The amount of items to be displayed per page. Will be used to calculate the _start and _num query parameters that will be sent to the collection for pagination. Optional

HAL Table Example

  selector: 'app-hal-table-page',
  templateUrl: './hal-table-page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./hal-table-page.component.scss']
export class HalTablePageComponent  {

  displayedColumns =
        columns: ["prospect-update-user",
        labels: ['PROSPECT', 'BIRTHDATE', 'EMAIL']

  constructor() {

As you know, angular provides a view component which is more o less similar to dom element. In this view component, angular provides a container element and in this hal table component is going to be defined inside as a column of the dxc hal table. These columns has the property name defined in the dxcColumnDef directive in the ng-container component.

Inside of each column container, in a td html element has to be defined the element variable to reach the item value of a hal resource element as it's seen in the next example *dxcCellDef="let item"

      <dxc-hal-table  collectionUrl="https://..." itemsPerPage="10">
        <ng-container  dxcColumnDef="User">
            <td *dxcCellDef="let item">
              <dxc-button [label]="item['prospect-update-user']"></dxc-button>

        <ng-container dxcColumnDef="Date">
          <td *dxcCellDef="let element">
            <dxc-tag [label]="element['prospect-birthdate']"></dxc-tag>

        <ng-container dxcColumnDef="Email">
          <td *dxcCellDef="let element"> {{element['prospect-email']}} </td>


halresource-service Usage

import { HalResourceService } from from '@dxc-technology/halstack-angular-hal'

halresource-service Parameters

Name Default Description
url: string The URL of the resource. Required
headers: HttpHeaders, Contains the http headers to be sent long with the http requests to the url indicated in the url prop. Optional

halresource-service reactive programming usage

the object facade service class has the following properties:

Name Description
resource: BehaviorSubject<any> A Halstack Client's HalResource instance of the resource behind the url parameter.
  • It will be null until the resource is fetched.
  • It will be automatically refreshed if the execution of an interaction handler responds with an instance of the same resource.
fetchStatus: 'idle' | 'fetching' | 'resolved' | 'rejected' | 'interaction' The status of the http request to the url parameter.
  • 'idle' before the request is triggered
  • 'fetching' after the request is triggered and the before we get a response.
  • 'resolved' after getting a successful response. Only if it contains a HAL resource.
  • 'rejected' after getting an error response. Or if response doesn't contain a HAL resource.
  • 'interaction' during the execution of an interaction handler.

| requestError: string | The error message in case the request gets rejected. It will be null before getting the response or if the response is successful and contains a HAL resource.|

| getCollectionHandlers: Function This is a function containing all collection interactions (_options.links) are available in the HAL collection resource. Each entry has the rel of the interaction as a key, and is a function that you can execute passing a payload as a parameter. Executing one of these functions will:

  • Make the http request associated to the given interaction.

| getHandlers: Function | This is a function containing interactions (_options.links) are available in the HAL resource. Each entry has the rel of the interaction as a key, and is a function that you can execute passing a payload as a parameter. Executing one of these functions will:

  • Make the http request associated to the given interaction.

halresource-service example

  selector: 'app-hrs-single-page',
  templateUrl: './hrs-single-page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./hrs-single-page.component.scss']
export class HrsSinglePageComponent implements OnInit {

  fetchStatus = this.halResource.fetchStatus;
  resource = this.halResource.resource;
  error = this.halResource.errorMessage;

  constructor(private halResource: HalResourceService) {


    return this.halResource.resource.getValue().resourceRepresentation[propertyName];

  ngOnInit() {


    const payload = {};
    payload['prospect-title'] = value;
    const payload = {};
    payload['prospect-update-user'] = value;

    const payload = {};
    payload['prospect-email'] = value;

    return this.halResource.resource.getValue().isPropertyRequired(propertyName);

  private patchResource(payload){
    this.halResource.executeHandler('update', payload);




Before opening new issues or pull requests, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.MD.

Development Setup

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

The project is divided in two main folders. One is for the actual library, and the other one is a React application using the library.


Contained in the lib folder.

cd lib

Install the library dependencies.

npm install

Run the build process into dist folder, detecting and automatically building changes in src.

npm run build:watch # or 'npm run build' if there is no need to watch for changes

Example Application

Contained in the app folder.

cd app # from the root folder

Install the application dependencies. The Assure React CDK dependency is linked to the local lib folder. This one must have been previously built.

npm install

Start the application.

ng serve

Now, anytime you make a change to the library or the app, angular cli will live-reload your local dev server so you can iterate on your component in real-time.

Running the tests