
Easily start different browsers in desktop and mobile devices

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Browsenator is a Watir wrapper to make starting local and remote browsers easier in desktop and mobile platforms.

Big thanks to Browserstack for allowing us to use their tool for developing this project.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'browsenator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install aida


To use remote Browsertack browsers, configure the following environment variables:



Local browser

Start a local browser:


You can start the following local browsers: :chrome, :firefox, :safari.

Chrome and Firefox browsers can be started in headless mode:

Browsenator.for(:chrome, headless: true)

If you specify headless property for Safari, Browsenator will just ignore it.

Browser versions

For local browsers Browsenator will always start the browser version that you have installed in your computer.

Additionally, you will need to have installed the corresponding browser driver:

  • Google Chrome: chromedriver
  • Mozilla Firefox: geckodriver
  • Apple Safari: safaridriver (no download is needed, it is pre-installed if you have Safari 10 or latter).

In Safari, you will also need to allow remote automation option (under Develop menu).


  • Browser window is resized to: 1004 x 748

Remote browser

Currently, remote browsers are only available through Browserstack. You will need to have a subscription with Browserstack to connect with them. Bear in mind that the plan you need is different depending on the platform (desktop, mobile) you need to perform your tests.

You can start remote browsers on desktop and real mobile platforms.

Remote desktop browser

Start a remote desktop browser:

Browsenator.for(:chrome, remote: :browserstack)

You can start the following remote desktop browsers: :chrome, :safari, :edge, :ie.

Browser versions

You can specify the browser version you want to use:

Browsenator.for(:chrome, remote: :browserstack, browser_version: '65.0')

Check capabilities in Browserstack to know which browser versions to use.

  • Resolution: 1024 x 768
  • Chrome browser: v66 - High Sierra
  • Safari browser: v11.1 - High Sierra
  • Edge browser: v17 - Windows 10
  • IE browser: v11 - Windows 10
Other configurations
Screen resolution

Specify the screen resolution for the machine in browserstack using the options screen_width and screen_height

Browsenator.for(:chrome, remote: :browserstack, screen_width: 1920, screen_height: 1200)

You can find resolutions here

Project name

Specify project name in Browserstack execution:

Browsenator.for(:chrome, remote: :browserstack, project: 'Functional Test')
Local testing

By default local testing is set to false. You can enable it by setting local_testing to true:

Browsenator.for(:chrome, remote: :browserstack, local_testing: true)

Additionally, you can specify an identifier for your local testing connection:

Browsenator.for(:chrome, remote: :browserstack, local_testing: true, local_identifier: 'aCRtDu')

Note: local_testing property will only set the correct capability so that local testing is enabled. However, to make it work, you still need to setup your Local Testing connection with Browserstack.

See the following example for a Linux machine.

First of all, download the linux binary and start your local testing connection:

$ wget https://www.browserstack.com/browserstack-local/BrowserStackLocal-linux-x64.zip
$ unzip BrowserStackLocal-linux-x64.zip
$ ./BrowserStackLocal --key $BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY

If using an identifier, remember to provide it when starting your connection:

$ ./BrowserStackLocal --key $BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY --local-identifier aCRtDu

Run your tests. When you are done running your tests, stop your local testing connection (and remove the downloaded binary):

$ killall BrowserStackLocal
$  rm -f BrowserStackLocal*

Remote real mobile browser

It connects to real mobile devices, not emulators.

For starting a remote browser in a mobile device, you only need to specify the device. If you specify a iOS device it will start Safari browser, and if you specify an Android device it will start a Chrome/Native browser (this is an Appium restriction).

Browsenator.for(:samsung_galaxy_s8, remote: :browserstack)

You can start the following remote real mobile browsers: :samsung_galaxy_s8, :google_pixel, :iphone8.

Device orientation

By default the device orientation is portrait. If you want to test in landscape mode you can specify so:

Browsenator.for(:samsung_galaxy_s8, remote: :browserstack, device_orientation: 'landscape')
  • Orientation: Portrait
  • Samsung Galaxy S8: Android 7.0
  • Google Pixel: Android 8.0
  • iPhone 8: iOS 11.0
Other configurations

You can specify the project name and enable local testing, the same way it's done with desktop browsers.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

The code follows Ruby Style Guidelines. Run Rubocop to ensure them by executing bundle exec rubocop.

Code coverage is automatically generated when rspec is run. A full report can be viewed by opening coverage/index.html (target is > 90%).

Adding more remote Browserstack desktop/mobile browsers

Go to Browserstack capabilities section for Ruby and select the operating system and browser you would like to add for a desktop browser, or the device and operating system for a mobile browser. Use the capabilities Browserstack provides to start the new browser.


Testing of remote Browserstack browsers has been conducted integrating with them directly thanks to the license they provided for this open source project. Thanks!