
Board game implemented as a websocket application.

Primary LanguagePython


Websocket implementation of a popular board game. This could easily be adapted into other games, as the only thing that would differ would be the game/round portion.

Getting Started


  • Python 3


git clone https://github.com/ramadan8/30Seconds.git


Start by initializing a new virtual environment within your cloned repository. This can be done by typing:

py -m venv venv

Once you have initialized it, you can activate it by typing:

# On Unix
source venv/bin/activate

# On Windows

Once you are in your virtual environment, type the following in order to get the required packages for the server:

pip install -r requirements.txt

From here, you can start the server by typing:

py main.py


All responses from the server will be in JSON, and will follow this format:

	"s": 0/1, 				# Whether or not the action was successful
	"c": "RETURN_CODE",		# The error/success code
	"d": {					# Any data returned from the action
		"foo": "bar"


Successful responses will be returned with a success value of 1, with the following codes:

Code Description
CONNECT_START Wait for the user to send information about themselves
HELLO Give the user their name, UID, and group
CHAT_MESSAGE New chat message received from the user's group
GROUP_JOIN Another user has joined the group
GROUP_LEFT Another user has left the group
USER_UPDATE Another user has updated information about themselves
GAME_START The group's game has started
GAME_END The group's game has ended
ROUND_START A new round has started
ROUND_END The current round has ended
QUESTIONER_START User is the questioner, and is given the words that the answerer must guess
ANSWERER_START User is the answerer, and must guess the words the questioner has


Errors will be returned with a success value of 0, and have the following codes:

Code Description
INVALID_JSON Data received was not in a valid JSON format
NO_DATA No data was received from the d variable when there should be data
NO_GROUP User tried to do an action which can only be done in a group, such as sending a message or starting a game
INVALID_MESSAGE Chat message sent is empty and/or contained illegal characters
CANT_MESSAGE User is not allowed to message the group, either because they have been muted (TBA) or because they are a questioner
INVALID_NAME User tried to change their name to be empty, their current name, or something too long
TAKEN_NAME Name is already taken by another group member
INVALID_GROUP Tried to make a new, random group 5+ times, but failed
GROUP_EXISTS Tried to create a group that already exists
INVALID_STRING Given string contained illegal characters
MAX_MEMBERS Group has the maximum amount of people allowed
CANT_START Member count is not sufficient to start the game, it must be above 4 and a multiple of 2
IN_GROUP Already in the group user wants to join
IN_GAME The target group is in a game already