Phaser - Angular 2 Demo Seed Project

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Start making games now with Angular2 and Phaser! Seed project is a MEAN stack but all you have to do to start building a game is:

git clone
cd phaser-angular2-demo
npm install
npm start

// open a browser and enter localhost:3000

This will install everything and start a local server. From here, start making the game of your dreams. A few tips to help you get started.

Getting Started

  • I'd recommend looking over the website. You can copy and paste a lot of sample code to get your footing before diving in.
  • I'd start with modifying the sample game file located in public/app/gameDemo/demo.js. This is where your game logic will live, and it's completely abstracted from how your site operates (so you can build them independently).
  • The sample game file is structured around preloading assets, loading screens, and then the game cycle. It takes a lot to make a game, but this should give you a solid foundational start.
  • Lastly, I'd also recommend giving the directive itself a once over.
  • I know this isn't exactly beginner friendly so I'll try and add a better guide in the future. Just know that you can make some really awesome stuff once you have the basics down. That entry was made in roughly 38 hours.