A functional deep web implementation

Primary LanguageHaskellCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

$$$$$$$$$=<<>>==<<>>==<<=<<=<<>>=>>==<<>>==<<>>==<<>>==<<=<<=<<=<<=<<>>=>>=>>==<<=<<=<<>>==<<>>==<<=<<$ =<< $&lt;$&gt;!


Copy stack.(linux or macos).yaml to stack.yaml in order for the language support extension to work properly.


stack build --stack-yaml=<stack.linux.yaml or stack.macos.yaml or stack.ghcjs.yaml>


nix-build -A ghcjs.RDWP --option extra-binary-caches https://nixcache.reflex-frp.org --option binary-cache-public-keys "cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= ryantrinkle.com-1:JJiAKaRv9mWgpVAz8dwewnZe0AzzEAzPkagE9SP5NWI="


Dependencies for Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev

docker (nix + ghcjs / wasm)

docker build -f build-tools/docker-nix/Dockerfile -t myimage .

docker run -itd --name mycontainer myimage

sh build.sh or sh build-wasm.sh

docker (stack + ghc + X11 forwarding)

docker build .

Use vscode's Remote Container

Please increase docker's memory limit to 11GB.

  1. Open project.
  2. Click >< icon in bottom right corner, and choose Reopen in Container.
  3. Run passwd in the console and set the root password.
  4. To run the application, use X11 forwarding. First, install X11 in the host computer and access the container via ssh -X root@ -p <forwarded port>.
  5. Then run cd /workspace/frontend/assets.
  6. Then run /workspace/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux/*/*/bin/RDWP-exe