
mysterious box of various codes

Primary LanguageRuby

table of contents

medium projects

  • clt: A generative artwork involving mathematical theorem called CLT and mac os x's window features
  • egyp: Ancient Egyptian mathematics
  • gback: wip, github cloning program
  • goji: wip
  • hankan: some autograd experiment
  • har: .har file util
  • hook: wip, file api hooking with windows and python
  • hyo: some calculation
  • my-proton-tools: proton prefix creation tool
  • my-proton-tools-old: proton prefix creation tool
  • notebak: note backup util using Apple Cloud Notes Parser By: Jon Baumann, Ciofeca Forensics
  • pygame: some pygame experiments
  • python_ffi_weird: some digging into mac os x's matplotlib
  • statistics: statistics calculations such as aic, bic
  • tex_hanekaeri: 壁と物体の跳ね返りの話
  • tm: wip, something about turing machine. do you like dominos? (cf. https://www3.nd.edu/~dchiang/teaching/puzzles/post.html)
  • ts: timestamping utils

small projects

  • mbp-arch-tejun2024.md: t2 archlinux with encrypted boot setup guide
  • raspi-setup-tejun.md: Raspberry pi 5 cryptvolume setup
  • devtool-protocol.js: cli webpage archiver
  • fcitx5-mozcdict-ext-debian.sh: 令和最新版 mozc build
  • findprime.py: http://integers.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/03/25/163732
  • keisan_frackin.numbers: frackin universe calculation
  • liberated_notes_to_joplin.py: import apple note to joplin
  • nixmemo.txt: some nix conf for reflex
  • rpgrt-workaround.py: workaround for mp3 issue of rpg maker (especially for mac os x, in which 32-bit gstreamer is too slow or not availiable)
  • script_limit.sh: ???
  • sha256shiritori.js: ???
  • small_scripts.txt: small scripts
  • staaso.py: ???
  • SymbolicPolyfit.ipynb: polynomial fitting
  • tansaku.py: ???
  • tex_numpyramid_gen.hs: SU(1) number pyramid calculator & visualizer
  • tor-bridge-get.py: obtain tor bridge
  • windows-firewall-get-rejected-packets.py: wip, some little-snitch-like something using windows defender firewall. currently it only finds rejected packets and corresponding app name or service name
  • 探無得探.wy: 欲字無而探無之片於窓即得探而已矣。