###data files that are used in this project - where they came from
cambodia control variable.xlsx
- sent by Renee in an email to Rachel and Christian
National Gazetteer 2014.xlsx
- sent by Renee in an email to Rachel and Christian
province names census.xlsx
- sent by Renee to Christian in Slack`
- sent by Renee to Christian in Slack`
- sent to Brad in an email by Punwath at ODC. Brad forwarded to Rachel/Christian. This is the data collected by ODC regarding village locations and names
- sent to Brad in an email by Punwath at ODC. Brad forwarded to Rachel/Christian. This data was collected by Punwath himself and contains village locations and names
- sent to Brad by Daniel Aboagye and accessed via Dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/poeqj6xzy10v64w/CDB_merged_final.xlsx?dl=0
- pulled from the Project Implementation Database website at http://db.ncdd.gov.kh/pid/reports/home/index.castle
village_grid_files (folder)
- extracted from GeoQuery by Seth and sent to cambodia_eba_gie Slack channel as a zip file
- level 4 Cambodia admin. boundaries. Pulled from GADM website. This data is spatially joined with our villages data to ensure proper specification of village, commune, district, and province.