
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Relation Resolver

Provide API to resolve relations defined in obsidian notes

How to use

  1. run npm i -D @aidenlx/relation-resolver in your plugin dir
  2. create a new file named types.d.ts under the same dir as main.ts
  3. copy the following code into new file, then you can
    1. check if enabled: plugin.app.enabledPlugins.has("dataview")
    2. access api: plugin.app.plugins.dataview.api
      1. use api.initialized to check if api is ready
    3. bind to dataview events: plugin.registerEvent(plugin.app.metadataCache.on("relation:...",(...)=>{...}))
import { ChangeInfo, RelationResolverAPI } from "relation-resolver";

declare module "obsidian" {
  interface MetadataCache {
      name: "relation:changed",
      callback: (info: ChangeInfo, api: RelationResolverAPI) => any,
      ctx?: any,
    ): EventRef;
      name: "relation:resolved",
      callback: (api: RelationResolverAPI) => any,
      ctx?: any,
    ): EventRef;
  interface App {
    plugins: {
      plugins: {
        [id: string]: any;
        ["relation-resolver"]?: {
          api: RelationResolverAPI;

PS: method to check if api is available when loading plugin:

async onload() {
  const doSomethingWith = (api: RelationResolverAPI) => {
    // do something
  if (this.app.enabledPlugins.has("relation-resolver")) {
    const api = this.app.plugins["relation-resolver"]?.api;
    if (api && api.initialized) doSomethingWith(api);
        this.app.metadataCache.on("relation:resolved", (api) =>


The required API feature is only available for Obsidian v0.9.12+.


From GitHub

  1. Download the Latest Release from the Releases section of the GitHub Repository
  2. Put files to your vault's plugins folder: <vault>/.obsidian/plugins/relation-resolver
  3. Reload Obsidian
  4. If prompted about Safe Mode, you can disable safe mode and enable the plugin. Otherwise, head to Settings, third-party plugins, make sure safe mode is off and enable the plugin from there.

Note: The .obsidian folder may be hidden. On macOS, you should be able to press Command+Shift+Dot to show the folder in Finder.

From Obsidian

Not yet available

  1. Open Settings > Third-party plugin
  2. Make sure Safe mode is off
  3. Click Browse community plugins
  4. Search for this plugin
  5. Click Install
  6. Once installed, close the community plugins window and the patch is ready to use.