A small hash-map cache in Golang designed for small TTL. It's a simple hashmap implementation that allows you to effectively handle TTL on temporary keys. TTL works on last set wins, meaning if you set a longer TTL on a key, it will expire when the new TTL is set.
It invalidates keys by checking 1000 random keys in store every 100ms, as well as does an expiry check per lookup/set.
Hotcache is completely thread-safe due to its use of RWMutexes, therefore you don't need to be concerned with doing that yourself. I originally wrote this package months ago and chose to make it public to just make my life easier for Fossabot.
This package is incredibly easy to use, like so
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := hotcache.New()
cache.Set("key", "value", time.Second*2)
value, ok := cache.Get("key")
if ok {
// This key exists in the hashmap.
fmt.Println("Key value: " + value.(string))
// Sleep until cache expires.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
exists := cache.Has("key")
if !exists {
fmt.Println("Key has now expired!")