
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

fiber explorer

Run: pnpm i && pnpm run dev

General explanation: https://blog.logrocket.com/deep-dive-react-fiber/

Make you own React: https://github.com/pomber/didact, https://medium.com/@sweetpalma/gooact-react-in-160-lines-of-javascript-44e0742ad60f

Amazing overview of React w/ fibers: https://pomb.us/build-your-own-react/

Anatomy of a fiber

Read this: https://medium.com/@aliWhosane/react-fiber-data-structure-demystified-d3794470a8a4#:~:text=The%20fiber%20nodes%20are%20organized,children%20in%20the%20component%20tree.

Raw non-circular JSON for counter example:

  "tag": 0,
  "key": null,
  "stateNode": null,
  "return": {
    "tag": 5,
    "key": null,
    "elementType": "div",
    "type": "div",
    "stateNode": {
      "__reactProps$8bl8a91ccj": {
        "children": {
          "key": null,
          "ref": null,
          "props": { "init": 0 },
          "_owner": {
            "tag": 0,
            "key": null,
            "stateNode": null,
            "return": {
              "tag": 3,
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              "elementType": null,
              "type": null,
              "stateNode": {
                "tag": 1,
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                  "__reactContainer$8bl8a91ccj": {
                    "tag": 3,
                    "key": null,
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                    "type": null,
                    "return": null,
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                    "sibling": null,
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                    "memoizedProps": null,
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                      "baseState": {
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