CuPy SGEMM (Single precision GEneral Matrix Multiplication) test by comparing, and cupy with handwrite cuda kernel
Assuming Python3.7 is already installed with package numpy openblas (or numpy with intel mkl) and cupy6.0
Used code is from CuPy source repo
On my laptop with CPU i7-7500U-2.90GHz (4 threads) and GPU NVIDIA-730MX
~/$python --gpu 0 --m 30 --n 40 --k 20
m=30 n=40 k=20
start benchmarking
BLAS time 0.0041728000156581405 ms
hand written kernel time 0.10469760000705719 ms
cuBLAS time 0.01585279982537031 ms
~/$python --gpu 0 --m 3840 --n 5120 --k 2560
m=3840 n=5120 k=2560
start benchmarking
BLAS time 677.8629272460937 ms
hand written kernel time 337.38600463867186 ms
cuBLAS time 150.9483612060547 ms
On Google Colab with CPU Intel-Xeon(R)-2.30GHz (2 threads) and GPU NVIDIA-TeslaK80
~/$python --gpu 0 --m 30 --n 40 --k 20
m=30 n=40 k=20
start benchmarking
BLAS time 0.00802559992298484 ms
hand written kernel time 0.6085696190595626 ms
cuBLAS time 0.041068799793720245 ms
~/$python --gpu 0 --m 3840 --n 5120 --k 2560
m=3840 n=5120 k=2560
start benchmarking
BLAS time 1416.2935302734375 ms
hand written kernel time 54.31614608764649 ms
cuBLAS time 22.128262329101563 ms