
Promise based user authentication package for javascript clients, or frontends, using JWT and localStorage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JWT User authentication

APB-auth-client is a promise based user authentication package for javascript clients, or frontends, using JWT and localStorage.

This package avoids the use of cookies and request headers which are problematic when making cross-origin requests. ie. When the client and the server (or frontend and backend) are on different machines or ports. This package is designed to work with the auth-server package which actually implements the JWT side of things.

APB-auth-client uses Axios to handle ajax requests.


import { AuthClient } from './apb-auth-client/auth-client.js';
const auth = new AuthClient("");


auth.login('/login', this.state.uname, this.state.psw)
  console.log("login result:",data);
.catch(function (error) {

Use the login method to request a new token from the server and automatically store it in localStorage to be used in future authorized requests.

Returns a promise.
Resolves with data on success.
Rejects with error.


  console.log("logout result:",data);
.catch(function (error) {

User the logout method to request invalidation of the JWT token by the server, and to overwrite the existing stored token.

Returns a promise.
Resolves with confirmation message on success.
Rejects with error.

Authorized requests

auth.post("/secrets", {
  "show me secrets":"please"
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {

Make post / get requests using apb-auth-client to include the user authentication token in every request automatically. If no token is found the promise immediately rejects.

For post requests, include the data object as the second parameter. Get requests should not contain a data object.

Unauthorized requests

auth.post("/secrets", {
  "show me secrets":"please"
}, false)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {

Make post / get requests with a third argument set to false to prevent the inclusion of a token. This option just passes on the request to Axios directly. Useful for creating accounts or doing other stuff without authentication and without including Axios directly.

Run Tests

Start by building the browser bundle:

npm run-script build

Then open the test.html file in your favourite browser.