
An example program of the communication between C# and MySQL using Dapper

Primary LanguageC#

Employees - Dapper Example Program

This is a simple C# program that demonstrates the usage of Dapper, a micro ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for .NET, by performing basic database operations with a MySQL database. In this program, we create an Employee class and use Dapper to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a MySQL database table named employees.


Before running this program, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • .NET SDK
  • MySQL Server with a database named dapper.
  • MySQL user credentials (Uid and Pwd) with appropriate permissions to access the database.

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in your preferred C# IDE or text editor.


In the Program.cs file, you will find a connectionString variable. Modify this variable to specify the connection details for your MySQL database:

string connectionString = "Server=;Port=3306;Database=dapper;Uid=your_username;Pwd=your_password;";

Replace your_username and your_password with your MySQL user credentials.

Database Schema

The MySQL database dapper used in this program contains a single table named employees. Here's the schema for the employees table:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    Salary DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL
  • Id: A unique identifier for each employee, automatically incremented.
  • Name: The name of the employee (a string).
  • Age: The age of the employee (an integer).
  • Salary: The salary of the employee (a decimal number).


This program performs the following CRUD operations on the employees table:

  1. Creating Data (C - Create): It inserts an employee record into the employees table with a name, age, and salary. You can customize the data in the Employee object:

     var employee = new Employee
         Name = "Aidre",
         Age = 30,
         Salary = 130000
     string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO employees (Name, Age, Salary) VALUES (@Name, @Age, @Salary)";
     connection.Execute(insertQuery, employee);
  2. Reading Data (R - Read): It retrieves all employee records from the employees table and stores them in a list of Employee objects.

    string selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM employees";
    List<Employee> employees = connection.Query<Employee>(selectQuery).ToList();
  3. Updating Data (U - Update): It updates the details of an existing employee in the employees table. Modify the properties of the Employee object and execute an update query to apply changes.

    // Example: Updating the salary of an employee
    employee.Salary = 140000;
    string updateQuery = "UPDATE employees SET Salary = @Salary WHERE Id = @Id";
    connection.Execute(updateQuery, employee);
  4. Deleting Data (D - Delete): It deletes an employee record from the employees table based on the employee's Id.

    // Example: Deleting an employee by Id
    int employeeIdToDelete = 1;
    string deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE Id = @Id";
    connection.Execute(deleteQuery, new { Id = employeeIdToDelete });
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using Dapper;

namespace Dapper_Introduction
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string connectionString = "Server=;Port=3306;Database=dapper;Uid=aidrecabrera;Pwd=aidrecabrera;";

            MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

            var employee = new Employee
                Name = "Aidre",
                Age = 30,
                Salary = 130000

            string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO employees (Name, Age, Salary) VALUES (@Name, @Age, @Salary)";

            connection.Execute(insertQuery, employee);

            string selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM employees";

            List<Employee> employees = connection.Query<Employee>(selectQuery).ToList();

            employee.Salary = 140000;
            string updateQuery = "UPDATE employees SET Salary = @Salary WHERE Id = @Id";
            connection.Execute(updateQuery, employee);

            int employeeIdToDelete = 1;
            string deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE Id = @Id";
            connection.Execute(deleteQuery, new { Id = employeeIdToDelete });

Running the Program

  1. Build the project using your IDE or by running dotnet build in the project directory.
  2. Run the program using your IDE or by executing dotnet run in the project directory.

That's all! :)