LoStik is an affordable, easy to use, LoRaWAN™ compatible device. It lets IoT (Internet of Things) integrators, network testers, and hobbyists get connected to a LoRa® network faster, diagnose network issues more easily, and build new and exciting connected devices.
Python examples require Python 3. Be sure to install the dependiencies in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
miniterm.py is a light weight terminal emulator that works well with LoRa stick. The RN2903/R2483 radios require \r\n line ending and run at 57600 baud.
./miniterm.py --echo /dev/ttyUSB0 57600
blinky.py is for testing the user LEDs on the LoRa Stik. There is a red led tied to GPIO11 and a blue led tied to GPIO10.
./blinky.py -m blue -d 1 /dev/ttyUSB0
will blink the blue led once per second
./blinky.py -m both -d .5 /dev/ttyUSB0
will alternate the blue and red leds every .5 seconds.
Packet Radio
radio_receiver.py and radio_sender.py are used for sending LoRa packets between two LoRa Stiks without the need for a LoRaWAN gateway. The included example sends a unix timestamp packet every 2 seconds and the receiver prints the incoming packets to stdout.
For detailed infomation about available commands checkout one of the following docs:
All software and example scripts are MIT licensed. For details see LICENSE
Hardware design and schematics are licenede under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-NC For details see hardware/LICENSE.md
LoRa® and LoRaWAN™ are trademarks of Semtech Corporation or its subsidiaries.