
Highlighting and organizing quotes in quote bundles

Primary LanguageJava

poc ("Proof of Concept") is a demo app for owned by Tabulaw, Inc. programmed by jopaki of Copyright (C) Tabulaw, Inc. 2009-2010 All Rights Reserved.

software requiremenets:
	eclipse IDE v3.5+ 
	maven v2.2.1+
	GWT SDK v2.0.0+

eclipse settings:
 1) install the following plugins:
     m2eclipse (maven eclipse plugin)
     google plugin for eclipse
     egit (git eclipse plugin)

 2) manually install gwt-dnd v3.0.1 and gwt-log v3.0.1 into your local maven repo.

 3) manually install the org.springextensions.db4o-{version}.jar 
    located under <project root>/etc/org.springextensions.db4o/{version} directory.
 4) Invoking gwt debug mode w/in eclipse:
 		-right click on project- --> Debug as.. --> [google] Web Application
		goto url in browser: 		
 5) Create the application WAR file.  
 		dev mode (default)
 		From a command line at project root:
 		"mvn package [-P dev]"
 		prod mode
 		From a command line at project root:
 		"mvn package -P prod"

 6) manually install htmlcleaner 2.2 into your local maven repo.

 7) Probably you may run into issues with antisamy 1.4.2 lib. 
    To fix:
	1. goto your local maven repository
	2. find antisamy-1.4.2.pom file there
	3. remove <parent> at the top of file

 8) Copy pgsql driver from etc/database to <tomcat home>/lib directory.

 9) Create database tab from backup in etc/database, set user/password = postgres/postgres
    You can change database name, login, password in src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml