
Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord mod intended to increase realism and difficulty

Primary LanguageC#

A Simple Hardmode for Bannerlord

This is a simple mod intended to make the game Bannerlord more challenging and provide a bit more strategic depth to the game. The goal isn't difficulty for the sake of difficulty. The goal is to make constantly roaming the countryside with an elite army, kicking everyone's ass without a worry in the world, difficult.


  1. Download zBannerlordHardmode.zip from RELEASES
  2. Unzip file
  3. Drag contents to YourMountAndBladeInstallation/Modules folder
  4. Enable in launcher


Compatabile up to game version 1.1.0

So far none of the releases of this mod have required a new save game. And the save games work after disabling the mod. That said, it's always a good idea to back up save games if they are very important to you.

Does this mod work with some other mod? It depends. If they try changing the same thing in the game, then chances are you will have issues.

If you have problems launching, you can try unblocking the dll file of the mod.

  1. Navigate to YourMountAndBladeInstallation/Modules/zBannerlordHardmode/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client
  2. Right click BannerLordHardmode.dll and select properties
  3. At the very bottom of the window, check Unblock if it appears.

New mechanics added by this mod

  • Variable health recovery for player and troops
    • No healing occurs while traveling
    • Recover slowly while waiting in the countryside
    • Recover rapidly while waiting in settlements
  • Variable morale recovery
    • Recover from negative morale more quickly in settlements
    • High morale decays at a reduced rate while waiting in settlements
  • Variable food consumption - party's food consumption halved while waiting in settlements
  • Variable party wages - party's wages are halved while waiting in settlements
  • Player loses renown and influence when troops desert
  • Player loses renown and influence when captured

Balance changes this mod brings to the game

  • Increased damage player takes (2x the dmg of default realistic setting)
  • Increased player's troops wages (4x in party; 2x in garrison)
  • Increased base food consumption for player's party (2.5x)
  • Decreased base morale for player's party (30 instead of 50)
  • Increased threshold of troop desertion (they desert at 25 morale instead of 10)
  • Reworked tax system (overall effect is town income is better than castle income which is better than village income)
  • Workshop income decreased (0.6x)
  • Larger bandit parties and harder compositions